Category: Job Creation in Uganda
Uganda is plagued by levels of Corruption and unemployment such that there is limited investment in job creation and investment leading to an employment rate as high as 75 percent amongst the youth.
We explained to you how to raise funding for the Job Creation Fund of Uganda and the sacrifices required to reduce spending on certain government expenditures so as to fund job creation. We know...
To cure illiteracy and reduce poverty the Government of Uganda introduced Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education. The few that manage to navigate the inefficiencies of these programs and manage to obtain a...
The Parish Development Model is supposed to get Ugandans out of poverty by easing access to credit for certain categories of Ugandans including the educated youth not formal employed. It is advertised as a...
For two decades we have suffered under the incompetence and ineffeciency of Umeme. The only positive outcome that I can possibly attribute to Uweme is digital electricity meters. These meters saved us from the...
Inequality is dangerous for any Society whether democratic or not because it creates divisions, resentment and eventually hatred between citizens of the different economic or political classes. Those that have little will feel disfavored...
Truth be told Uganda’s poverty alleviation programmes have been a resounding failure mainly due to the mistake of letting corruption gain a foothold in Uganda. Right from 1986 when the National Resistance Movement (NRM)...